
Lighted Tabletop Canvas | Kittens in the Garden

Illuminate, twinkle, sparkle and warm the heart with this light up canvas print!

Indulge in the whimsical charm of kittens in the garden lighted tabletop canvas, perfect for adding a touch of romance to any room. With its delightful depiction of three adorable kittens nestled in a cozy woven basket and surrounded by a ring of vibrant multicolored flowers, this canvas is a delightful ode to the joys of springtime. As you gaze upon the canvas, watch as delicate butterflies dance among the flowers, adding a sense of wonder and magic to the scene. And with the gentle glow of the built-in led lights, this tabletop canvas creates a warm and inviting ambiance that's sure to enchant all who behold it.

"Kittens in the Garden" Lighted Mini Tabletop Canvas 8"x6" with 6 hour timer.

Twinkling effects surround three Kittens in a basket surrounded by flowers and a Butterfly passing by.

With beautiful art and dazzling lighting effects, this makes for easy, breezy decorating.

Great host or teacher gift.

Perfect for a loved one in assisted living.

8" x 6" Lighted Canvas Easel Back Fiber Optic / LED Technology

Auto Timer: On 6 hours / Off 18 hours

Requires AA batteries, not included

Artwork by artist Dona Gelsinger

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